Many target archers associate their sport with standing on a shooting line and lobbing arrows at a fixed distance, some 70 meters away. I do more than my share of archery in this manner, but there is so much more to the sport.
World Archery and its affiliate, USA Archery, have changed how target archers participate in the sport. Legacy rounds, such as the 4 distance 1440 round, the 3 distance 900 round and many others, have largely been pushed to the side in favor of a one distance competition; 70 meters for recurve shooters and 50 meters for compound and barebow shooters. This in turn puts tremendous pressure on state and local organizers to mimic what is done on the national and world stage.
One of the rounds that has survived through the years at both the national and international levels is the Field Round. We fondly still call it FITA Field in our little part of the world, but in fact it is now called World Archery Field. Participation in WA Field is still small compared to the fixed distance target round, but there seems to be a renewed interest in the round. (As a small aside, the field round was at one time extremely popular in the USA. It predates 3-D and many archery clubs had field courses)
Both the NFAA and WA field rounds are fun and challenging. There is varied terrain and a chance to spend a day in the woods with your shooting partners. You’ll learn more about your shot as you have to account for different stances, arm angles and body angles needed to complete a successful shot.
In WA Field, the first day consists of unmarked distances and day two will be marked distances. There are multiple sized faces and the archer is faced with challenges not considered in a single distance target event.
In my opinion, shooting field rounds makes me a better archer and it is a great way to keep archery fresh and fun. We are all trying to improve and advance in the sport and it is easier to do when you have some variety.
Introducing archers to field has been one of the fun things I’ve done in the sport. I hope JOAD, AAP and club leaders pull back the curtain and show their shooters the ropes.